Thursday, December 12, 2013

Taking care of Goddess

My desktop mouse gets a lot of use. I game, I chat, and I use my desktop at least for 4 hours a day. Finally, my mouse gave up the ghost and started acting silly.

I've had Steff save since the beginning of December for My Christmas gift, and the good boy will send his monthly tribute on the 26th. Since then, he has purchased two items that are not included in My gift or tribute. Lovely antlers for my car and a new computer mouse.

Picture soon of the antlers on the car!

Just in case some were wondering, the rodent is in reference to him and the computer mouse. <3

My mouse should arrive Friday. He purchased these items because they please ME. Not because of payment or anything like that. In fact, the only thing I require payment of from any of my subs? Is a cum tax...

Something about that little tax that gives me a thrill. Knowing, that they know, they'll have to pay up for their pleasure... It's a wonderful feeling.

This Friday, my little girl, Mina will be sending her Christmas gift and little does she know it... I have a surprise for her.

When pets take care of their Owner and vice versa, everyone is happily settled in their roles.


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